Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Stop #Smoking MasterCLASS

I once heard a man say “if you have to cut of your head to stop smoking – do it. It will be less painful in the end. A little extreme to say the least, you don’t have to go that far. Out of over 300 studies covering around 72,000 people in the US, Europe and Scandinavia, hypnosis has shown the highest success rate in the market place – these tests included using patches and gum.

Helping people stop smoking is one very easy and profitable way that you can utilise your hypnosis and NLP skills, this weekend 3 & 4 December at Kingston upon Thames, learn how Steve Crabb and I have successfully helped thousands of clients to stop smoking and change their eating habits.

We are running our annual MasterCLASS teaching hypnotherapists and NLP Practitioners how to improve their success rate and create a profitable practice. This weekend we will prepare you to help clients make new years resolutions they can keep as we teach you 2 unique models.

Check out http://www.aventesi.com/masterclasses.htm for details and to book your place; and if you’d prefer to ask a few questions before you book you can call Sarah on 02085403366